All the disinformation being spread about Ebola by the U.S. government and the complicit mass media will unfortunately make the Ebola pandemic far worse. That's because the public isn't being told the truth about how Ebola spreads and how individuals can help prevent transmission of the disease. At every level of media and government, protecting the financial interests of drug companies appears to be far more important than protecting public health. So people aren't told the truth about how Ebola spreads and how they can increase their ability to survive a global pandemic. Here are five of the biggest lies being spread about Ebola right now. Once you've reviewed the lies, learn the truth at Lie #1) Ebola won't ever come to the United States This lie was shattered just this week when the CDC confirmed Ebola in a hospital patient in Dallas, Texas. Not only has Ebola already spread to America, but a top scientist who used to work for the FDA now...
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