The mainstream narrative on Trump's immigration ban is intentionally avoiding the core issue. On Friday January 27th, 2017 President Trump issued an executive order suspending the Syrian refugee program and temporarily banning entries for people coming from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Syria. The backlash has been fierce and public figures around the world have voiced their outrage. On one hand this is understandable, given the humanitarian implications, however one has to ask: Where was this outrage when the refugee crisis was being created? Where was the righteous indignation in 2011 when the Obama administration toppled the Libyan government, first by sending in the CIA to back rebel groups ( that ended up having direct ties to Al-Qaeda ) and then using airstrikes to finish the job? Prior to this intervention Libya had one of the highest standards of living of any country in Africa ( according to the UN ). They even had free healthcare.Today the country is a fa...
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