The total value of the untapped minerals in North Korea is said to be enough so that if shared out among the seven billion people on Earth, everyone would receive a share that was more than $1000. NORTH KOREA IS HOME TO MORE THAN 200 MINERALS WORTH MORE THAN $7 TRILLION The secluded nation is home to huge deposits of over 200 minerals and this is said to include copper, magnesite, zinc, molybdenum, gold, limestone and iron that in total is worth more than $7 trillion. While there is a vast array or riches lying under the bedrock of North Korea, being able to take full advantage of them is something that has been very difficult. Thanks to the fact that North Korea lacks the mining machinery and equipment that would be needed to get at some of the rarer minerals, along with sanctions that make it illegal for private enterprises to put up drilling sites, it is impossible to extract the rarer minerals. MINING MAKES UP 14% OF NORTH KOREA`S ECONOMY ...
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