Arkadiy Babchenko 1. On May 29, Ukrainian media reported that Arkadiy Babchenko, a Russian citizen and journalist living in Ukraine, had been killed in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev . The Ukrainain government and the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) immediately accused Russia of being behind the attack. The mainstream media and international organizations joined the coverage of the incident blaming Russia for the killing. 2. On May 30, Babchenko appeared to be alive and showed up at a press conference along with SBU Chief Sergey Gritsak and Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. Gritsak claimed that the death of Babchenko had been staged in order to trace an organizer of the crime. The SBU once again accused Russia of being behind the alleged attempt to kill Babcheno. According to the initial SBU version. The organizer [identified as “G”] is detained; The hitman [identified as “C”] hired by the organier contacted the SBU to reval th...
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