Two years in the making, John Pilger’s controversial new film Utopia reveals a shocking national secret behind the postcard image of the “lucky country”. As it premiers in the UK, the award winning documentary filmmaker talks to Australian Times about the devastating inequalities suffered by the Aboriginal community. By Alex Ivett AUSTRALIAN journalist and BAFTA-award winning documentary filmmaker John Pilger has a strong investigative record spanning a 40-year career. In his latest film, Utopia, he turns his incisive hand to a topic integral to the Australian story, yet ostensibly glossed over by many of its own inhabitants – that of Indigenous Australia. The devastating inequalities suffered by the Aboriginal community are revealed against a backdrop of the great mineral resources boom sustaining the economic prosperity of a population Pilger argues are indifferent to the apartheid culture it is sustaining. 1. You have described the modern day situation of Indigenous Australians a...
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