Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) detained four members of ISIS “sleeper cell” in Moscow. ISIS members arrived from the city of Noviy Urengoy in Russia’s Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region with a goal to carry out “high-profile” attacks in Moscow, the FSB’s press service told Russian media on April 26. According to FSB, the detained ISIS members had received instructions from Syria through Telegram messenger. The security services clarified that searches and detentions had been held in Novy Urengoy. In the course of special operations, 20 people were rounded up in the city. A large number of religious extremist books, as well as “communication facilities used for contacting foreign emissaries” were seized. On April 21, FSB killed an ISIS terrorist who had plotted an attack on administrative buildings in Stavropol. Security forces recovered a firearm, explosive components and ISIS flag. In a separate development, large-scale counter-terrorism operations were st...
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