Written by The Saker ; Originally appeared at The Unz Review Europe: My honor is solidarity! “That tells you all you need to know about the difference between modern Britain and the government of Vladimir Putin. They make Novichok, we make light sabers. One a hideous weapon that is specifically intended for assassination. The other an implausible theatrical prop with a mysterious buzz. But which of those two weapons is really more effective in the world of today?”. (Boris Johnson) Let’s begin this discussion with a few, basic questions. Question one: does anybody sincerely believe that “Putin” (the collective name for the Russian Mordor) really attempted to kill a man which “Putin” himself had released in the past, who presented no interest for Russia whatsoever who, like Berezovsky , wanted to return back to Russia , and that to do the deed “Putin” used a binary nerve agent? Question two: does anybody sincerely believe that the British have p...
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