VT was right. We smelled this coming and got in front of the story while MSM ignored it. And more is on the way. Syrian Military begins Operation Grand Dawn to capture eastern Syrian Desert – Photos and videos The desert fighters are writing Syrian military history [ Editor’s Note : VT was right again. We smelled right away that this new desert fight in Syria was not a skirmish that Damascus had assigned to some throwaway militias to give them something to do. I could not say for sure that, before the US bombing of the convoy doing a light probe on Al-Tanf, it was going to be as big as announced today, but it sure as hell was after that incident. How do I know? It’s because it takes several days to pull the logistics together to do this for a major advance without tipping your hand early. What we have seen so far is fighting by troops that were already in place and quickly thrown into securing deeper safe flanks on the roadways for major advances, so th...
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