Written by Oleg Granovsky ; Originally appeared on oleggranovsky.livejournal.com ; Translated by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARMs) are guided air-to-ground (in some cases ground-ground) missiles with a passive radar-homing guidance system. They are used to defeat enemy radars, including air defense, counter-battery, or surveillance, and they can be used to strike ships equipped with radars. This article covers such weapons used by the Israeli Air Force. Click to see the full-size image The War of Attrition was ended by a ceasefire between Israel and Egypt at midnight of August 7/8, 1970. The ceasefire which was to last 3 months actually survived until the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Right after the ceasefire entered into force, Egypt moved its SAMs to the Suez Canal zone, which was a major violation of its terms. Israel wanted to react immediately, but the US exerted diplomatic pressure to prevent it. Among other things, ...
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