YEMEN – A Modern Day Concentration Camp By Kim Sharif , Director, Human Rights for Yemen In the early hours of March 26 2015 the children of Yemen narrate hearing the sounds of massive “fireworks”, which they attributed to some sort of national celebrations, only to discover later that this was the start of a nightmare of bombardment, starvation and immense suffering that doesn’t seem to have an end in sight. Who is doing this and why? Saudi Arabia by its then Ambassador to Washington Aljubayri and its spokesperson General Al-Asseeri made the announcement in English and Arabic claiming that they have formed a coalition of nations including Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Sudan, Senegal, Pakistan (“the Saudico”), and attacked Yemen in order to restore the legitimate government of Yemen led by former caretaker president Abdo Rabo Mansour Hadi at his request. It later added to its claims that their aims are to prevent Iranian expansion in the...
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