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Showing posts from October 12, 2024

Three International Water Conflicts to Watch

  Situation Reports  -  October 10, 2024 By  Geopolitical Monitor International water conflicts are a prisoner’s dilemma fundamentally rooted in  geopolitics . Neither up nor downriver states can live without it, and water is the lifeblood of development and economic growth. Yet one (upriver) state has a fundamental advantage over the other (downriver) state. All riparian states  should  cooperate to achieve the most sensible maintenance of their shared resources, but this is easier said than done, and there will always be a temptation for upriver states to press their advantage at the expense of others, especially in an era when climate change is altering longstanding ecological certainties. This article briefly examines three international water conflicts; in each one, competition over limited water resources risks future inter-state conflict.   China-India: The Brahmaputra River The Brahmaputra River is a 2,900 km river that originates in Tibet and flows through India’s Arunachal Pr

Geopolitical Developments: October 12, 2024

 Today’s geopolitical landscape is brimming with hidden strategies, covert agendas, and moves that, according to analysts like César Vidal and Lorenzo Ramírez, suggest a larger game being played behind the scenes. As we dive into the major developments on October 12, 2024, the question is not just about what is happening, but why it is happening and who stands to gain from these engineered crises. 1. The Israel-Hamas War: A Deliberate Escalation for Broader Control? The ongoing and escalating violence between Israel and Hamas, especially with Israel’s recent bombings in Gaza, raises many questions. According to reports by César Vidal, this conflict may be more than just a localized battle; it could be a staged confrontation aimed at reconfiguring the Middle East in alignment with long-standing globalist agendas. Vidal suggests that Israel’s military actions are not solely defensive but part of a broader Zionist project to reshape the region. The relentless strikes on Gaza, despite wide