Written by Evgeniy Satanovskiy ; Originally appeared at VPK , translated by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront Washington’s declaration of withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which is something that President Trump threatened to do for a fairly long time, and the exchange of strikes between Iran and Israel, have become the focus of attention of the international media. Incidentally, what’s typical is that in spite of the possibility of escalation, a big Iran-Israel war, and especially a direct clash in Syria between the US and Russia and even US and Iran, are far from inevitable. An analysis of events suggests restraint on part of all concerned. It’s no accident Iran fired not on the internationally recognized territory of Israel but the Golan Heights which nobody in the world officially considers part of Israel. And even then only military facilities were struck. At the same time, the Tehran-Jerusalem conflict is far from exhausted, and it may...
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